Translation for "construir máquina" to english
Translation examples
Bien, no somos un gobierno así que no podemos parar a nadie de construir máquinas.
Well, we are not a government so we cannot stop anyone from building machines.
Lo pavimentaron para construir máquinas que bombean monóxido de carbono a la atmósfera.
They paved it to build machines that pump carbon monoxide in the air.
Sus fundadores decidieron, desde un principio, construir máquinas...
Its founders decided early on to build machines compatible with those built by IBM but with new features.
Esto es importante.No solo teníamos que construir máquinas que funcionasen mejor que las que puedes comprar sino también mas baratos.
This is important. We not only had to build machines that worked better that what you can buy off the shelf off-road, but were cheaper.
A Phillip le gustaba construir máquinas.
Phillip liked to build machines.
Sí, Tremas, construirás máquinas, bajo mi diseño, por supuesto.
Yes, Tremas, you will build machines, to my design of course.
Lo prepararon para construir máquinas que bombean monóxido de carbono hacia la atmósfera.
They paved it to build machines that pump carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.
Desde el amanecer de la historia humana, hemos podido escudriñar el cielo nocturno, pero somos afortunados por ser la primera generación capaz de construir máquinas para viajar realmente a esos planetas y lunas.
Since the dawn of human history, we've been able to gaze up into the night sky, but we're lucky because we're the first generation that's been able to build machines to actually go to those planets and moons.
Por ejemplo, ¿cree que serían capaces de construir máquinas que pudieran viajar bajo tierra?
For instance, do you think they would be capable of building machines that could travel under the ground?
Ya no necesitaréis construir máquinas para procesar información.
No longer will you need to build machines to process information.
Desafío a cualquiera a construir máquinas cerca de aquí sin que yo me entere.
I defy any one to build machines in my vicinity that I don’t know about.’
—¿No podéis construir máquinas que lo hagan? —¡Máquinas! —exclamó el empleado, desdeñosamente—.
‘Couldn’t we build machines to do the work?’ Carmody asked. ‘Machines!’ the Clerk said scornfully.
La idea consistía en construir máquinas que generaran un suministro inagotable de piezas que poder ensamblar para crear productos acabados.
The idea was to build machines that would create an endless supply of matching parts, which could then be assembled into completed products.
La Mensajera intenta enseñarles cómo vivir, y esto implica construir máquinas para lograr fines que el pueblo de Portia apenas puede comprender.
The Messenger is trying to teach them how to live, and this involves building machines to accomplish purposes that Portia’s people can hardly grasp.
Si eso era una invasión (y ni siquiera su padre podía dudarlo ahora, ya que el Señor no necesitaba construir máquinas para infligir su venganza), ¿qué querían los invasores?
If this were an invasion (and even his father could not doubt that now; the Good Lord did not need to build machines to wreak his vengeance), what did the invaders want?
Puede que, si fueran capaces de construir máquinas que les permitieran viajar a grandes velocidades por la superficie de su planeta –que para ellos sería su universo– pudieran dar la vuelta al planeta y regresar al punto del que habían partido.
Perhaps, if they were able to build machines which allowed them to journey at great speed along the surface of their planet — which to them would be their universe — they would go right round the planet and come back to where they had started from.
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