Translation for "consolarlos" to english
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Madre trató de consolarlas.
            Mother tried to comfort them.
Se los metió en la boca para consolarlos.
She put them to her lips to comfort them.
¿Qué puedes decir para consolarles?
What can you possibly say to comfort them?
e intentar consolarlos como si estuvieran sufriendo interiormente.
and try to comfort them if they are suffering inside.
Los muertos se sientan junto a la cama, para consolarlos;
The dead sit down beside them, to comfort them.
Sentí la necesidad imperiosa de darme la vuelta y consolarlos.
I felt a desperate need to turn and comfort them.
Unos pocos se pusieron a llorar y Karen estuvo al momento a su lado para consolarles.
A few cried, but she was right there to comfort them.
Salagnon dudó si darles una bofetada o consolarlos.
Salagnon could not decide whether to clout them or comfort them.
McCaleb no pudo consolarles ni ayudarles, sólo les deseó suerte.
McCaleb couldn’t comfort them, he couldn’t help them.
¿No existen maneras veraces de consolarles con los recursos de la compasión humana?
Are there not truthful ways to comfort them from the resources of human compassion?
El 12 de octubre de 1981, la policía de seguridad detuvo al primer autor de la queja cuando se hallaba visitando a su tía, la madre de Khalid Islambouli, para consolarla.
On 12 October 1981, the security police arrested the first complainant while he was visiting his aunt, Khalid Islambouli's mother, in order to console her.
¿No deberías consolarla?
Shouldn't you console her?
No logro consolarla.
I can't console her.
Tuve que consolarla.
I had to console her.
Tengo que consolarla.
I have to console her.
Sólo trataba de consolarla.
I'm bringing her consolation.
Nadie pudo consolarla.
No one could console her.
¿Qué iba a hacer? ¿Cómo consolarla? ¿Tenía que consolarla?
What was I to do? How was I to console her—was I required to console her?
No se podía consolarla.
Nicole could not be consoled.
Algo que podía consolarlo.
Something to console him.
Pensó en la forma de consolarla, en si sería capaz de consolarla.
He thought about how to console her, whether he would be able to console her.
Nada podía consolarlo.
Nothing could console him.
Por qué tenía que consolarla cuando no había nadie que me consolara a mí.
Why should I have consoled her when there was no one to console me.
—Sí —contestó para consolarla.
“Yes,” he said to console her.
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