Translation for "come pollo" to english
Come pollo
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Translation examples
De 1 metro 20 come pollos.
It's 1 meter 20 and eating chicken!
Es diabético de edad, come pollo y es vegetariano
That old diabetic eats chicken that is vegetarian
¡Saca fotos y come pollo mientras nos mira!
He takes naked pictures of us, then he eats chicken and looks at them!
Y allí qué se come, ¿pollo también?
Do you eat chicken there as well?
Damas y caballeros... el hombre come pollos.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man-eating chicken.
¿Sabes que una paloma casi le picó cuando era pequeño... y ahora está tan asustado de los pájaros, que ni siquiera come pollo?
When Tae Jun oppa was young he almost got pecked by a pigeon. That's why he is very afraid of birds and he doesn't even eat chicken. Do you know all of that?
Tía Juny no come pollo.
Auntie Juny doesn't eat chicken.
¿Nunca come pollo entre semana?
Don't you ever eat chicken on a weekday?
Él no come pollo o humano, ¿verdad?
♪ best get out and run - he doesn't eat chicken or human, right?
Pero al tercer descenso ha aprendido a equilibrar su cuerpo desigual para permanecer en alto, y un par de horas más tarde, sonrojado de orgullo, sentado en un banco con su abrigo, come pollo y, con el aliento condensado, diserta sobre los enunciados del gran Marcuse.
But by the third descent he has learned to trim his uneven body so that he remains aloft, and a couple of hours later, flushed with pride, he is squatting in his greatcoat on a bench, eating chicken and with frosted breath dilating on the sayings of the great Marcuse.
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