Translation for "come pero come" to english
Come pero come
Translation examples
«Come, come, come, come...», como si obtuviera una satisfacción sexual por el hecho de llenarte la tripa;
Eat, eat, eat, eat” like she was getting sexual satisfaction out of cramming your belly;
come música come sonido empuja el pulso pulsilogum la magia...
Cody, sentado frente a ella, lo inhaló. —Come, Cody, come —lo apremió Ezra.
Cody, seated across from her, drank it in. “Eat, Cody, eat,” Ezra urged him.
-Come, y come bien- respondió Gareth sonriendo, luego hizo un alto y su gesto se volvió más serio-.
"Eat, and eat well," said Gareth, smiling, then he paused and took on a more serious visage.
No es tu problema. Tú estás libre de estorbos pase lo que pase, como esa gente que come y come sin engordar nunca.
"It's not your problem, really. You stay unencumbered no matter what, like those people who can eat and eat and not gain weight.
No he visto si a los otros cinco pájaros de la horca les han birlado la comida y tampoco me importa demasiado. ¡Come, Ike, come!
I ain’t noticed the other five gallows birds off their food, nor worried much either. Eat, Ike, eat!
Le entraría en plan sargento mayor salido del gueto y le diría a esa tocina hija de puta lo que necesita oír: come menos, come mejor y levanta tu culo gordo del sofá.
I’d come on like a ghetto sergeant major and tell the corpulent hoe what she needed to hear: eat less, eat better, and get off your fat little ass.
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