Translation for "coléricamente" to english
Translation examples
Shluh giró un ojo coléricamente.
            Shluh swivelled a choleric eye.
Estás coléricamente despedazando el cesto de los panecillos.
You're angrily decrumbing the muffin case.
El acusador reaccionó coléricamente.
The Prosecutor reacted angrily.
—preguntó coléricamente el joven—.
asked the young man angrily.
Jay se encogió coléricamente de hombros.
Jay shrugged angrily.
Forzó el acelerador coléricamente.
He forced in the accelerator pedal angrily.
—disparó, brusca y coléricamente Birmingham—.
Birmingham snapped abruptly and angrily.
Él tragó saliva rápidamente, coléricamente.
He swallowed quickly, angrily.
El Secretario Herrick le miró coléricamente.
Secretly Herrick stared at him angrily.
Hawkmoon se agitó coléricamente entre sus cadenas.
Hawkmoon stirred angrily in his chains.
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