Translation for "colgado delante" to english
Translation examples
Tiene uno de esos viejos carteles de metal colgados delante, Havoline Oil, o algo así.
Has one of those old metal signs hanging out front, Havoline Oil or something like that.
Había una cinta amarilla colgada delante de la puerta, puesta por la policía para decirle a todo el mundo que no se acercara por allí.
There was police tape hanging in front of the door telling everyone to keep the hell away.
Era el popular parochet, la cortina que supuestamente había colgado delante del arca durante siglos y que tal vez ni siquiera fuera nueva cuando se llevó desde España.
It was the parochet, the curtain that was said to have been hanging in front of the Ark for hundreds of years and may not even have been new when it was brought over from Spain.
—Perdona, Harry. No me he acordado… —Lo apuntó con la varita, y de inmediato la ropa del muchacho volvió a quedar tan seca como si hubiera estado colgada delante de una chimenea encendida. —Gracias —dijo Harry con alivio.
‘Harry, I’m so sorry, I forgot,’ he said; he pointed his wand at Harry and at once Harry’s clothes were as warm and dry as if they had been hanging in front of a blazing fire.
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