Translation for "cementerios" to english
Translation examples
Asimismo se abrieron otras causas penales por profanación de tumbas en el cementerio norte de la región de Minsk, el cementerio de Staro Ulanovich de Vitebsk y otros cementerios.
Similar criminal cases have been brought for profanation at the Northern Cemetery in the Minsk region, the Staro-Ulanovich cemetery at Vitebsk and other cemeteries.
Crematorios y cementerios
Crematoria and cemeteries
- ¿Qué cementerio, Bill?
- What cemetery, Bill?
El cementerio inglés.
The English cemetery.
Parece un cementerio.
Like a cemetery.
Por supuesto - el cementerio - El cementerio de Veeze.
Of course - the cemetery... The cemetery at Veeze
Cementerios, cementerios… ¡Por Dios, me niego a que me entierren en un cementerio!
Cemeteries, cemeteries…. By God, I refuse to be buried in a cemetery!
Yo paso por el cementerio. —¿Por el ce... cementerio?
“I’ll be going past the cemetery.” “Th-the cemetery?”
¿La iglesia grande que tiene el cementerio?    —¿Qué cementerio?
“The big church that owns the cemetery?” “What cemetery?”
– ¿Es un cementerio? – No.
"Is it a cemetery, then?" "No.
Cementerio o no cementerio, nos apalancaremos para la noche donde caigamos.
Cemetery or no cemetery, they’ll spend the night were they are!’
El cementerio de los groenlandeses forma parte del cementerio de Vestre.
The Greenlanders' cemetery is part of Vestre Cemetery.
—O tal vez se dirijan a ese infame cementerio. —¿Qué cementerio?
‘Or maybe they are heading to that wretched cemetery.’ ‘What cemetery?’
—Fuera del cementerio.
Outside the cemetery.
También hay inquietud por los daños a los cementerios.
There is also concern about damage to graveyards.
Estos cachemiros están enterrados en los cementerios de Cachemira, no en el Pakistán.
These Kashmiris are buried in the graveyards of Kashmir, not in Pakistan.
También destruyeron el cementerio donde están sepultados sus padres.
The graveyard where his parents were buried was also destroyed.
La visita al cementerio no estaba relacionada en modo alguno con las fiestas que se celebraban en Rondo.
There was no connection between the graveyard visit and the festivities on the Rondo.
No puede pensarse que la paz de los cementerios sea la mejor alternativa.
The peace of the graveyard was never a satisfactory solution.
Han profanado nuestras tumbas y cementerios.
Our graveyards and burial grounds have been desecrated.
Muchas fueron utilizadas como cementerios.
Many had been used as graveyards.
Se ha dicho que África se ha convertido en un "cementerio de proyectos de desarrollo".
It has been said that Africa has become a "graveyard of development projects".
¿Un cementerio, Duque?
A graveyard, Duke!
- ¿Avisamos al cementerio?
informed the graveyard?
Cementerio tras cementerio, toda esa carne apestando.
Graveyard after graveyard, all that stinking flesh.
- Pasando el cementerio.
- Past the graveyard.
¡El cementerio está cerrado!
Graveyard's closed!
—En el cementerio, no.
“Not in the graveyard.”
Estaba en un cementerio.
This was a graveyard.
Esto es un cementerio.
This is a graveyard.
En un cementerio. Otro cementerio, situado un poco más al norte.
In a graveyard. Another graveyard, just a little further north.
Pero si hay algo más melancólico que un cementerio es un cementerio sin visitantes.
But if there is anything more melancholy than a graveyard, it is an unvisited graveyard.
Estaba en el cementerio.
She was at the graveyard.
—O sea, al cementerio.
You mean the graveyard?
Estábamos en un cementerio.
We were in a graveyard.
—Pues vayamos al cementerio.
The graveyard, then.
Aparentemente, trece de los 33 postulantes estaban capacitados para desempeñar el cargo y fueron invitados a entrevistarse con los administradores del Cementerio.
Thirteen of the 33 applicants appeared to be competent to do the job, and were invited for interviews with the management of the Reykjavik Churchyards.
La causa No. 224/1998 versó sobre la adjudicación del puesto de Director del Cementerio de Reykjavik.
Case No. 224/1998 concerned the granting of the position of Director of the Reykjavik Churchyards.
Se incluyen: todos los aspectos de la organización eclesiástica, rituales, ministros de la Iglesia, sus sueldos y pensiones, edificios eclesiásticos, cementerios, abandono de la Iglesia nacional y admisión en ella, congregaciones constituidas medidas asociación voluntaria de los feligreses, liberación de los feligreses de la obligación de utilizar los servicios del clérigo titular, credos disidentes, legislación sobre las fiestas oficiales.
Including: all aspects of church organisation, rituals, church officials, their salaries and pensions, church buildings, churchyards, admission into and withdrawal from the Established Church, congregations formed by voluntary association of parishioners, release of parishioners from the obligation to use the services of the incumbent clergyman, Dissenting creeds, public holidays legislation.
De resultas de esas entrevistas, fueron puestos a consideración del consejo directivo del Cementerio de Reykjavik los nombres de cinco postulantes, entre los que figuraba el de la parte demandante.
The outcome of these interviews was that the names of five applicants, including that of the plaintiff, were to be submitted to the board of the Reykjavík Churchyards.
Levadla al cementerio.
Take her to the churchyard.
Cementerio. Nuevo noruego.
Churchyard, New Norwegian.
Tomemos el atajo del cementerio.
Let's cut through the churchyard.
"El cementerio es aquél".
The churchyards yawn.
¿Se refiere al cementerio?
You mean, in the churchyard?
No está en el cementerio, Señor.
Not in the churchyard, sir.
Brujerías, un culto... cementerios.
Witchcraft, a cult... churchyards.
Un regalo del cementerio.
A present from the churchyard. Thanks.
Buscar por el cementerio.
Search about the churchyard.
—¿No lo dejó en el cementerio? —¡No!
“Not in the churchyard?” “No!”
– ¿En el cementerio? – Sí.
"In the churchyard?" "Yes.
Esta iglesia, el cementerio.
This church and churchyard.
de los cementerios y de las tumbas,
From the churchyards, from the graves,
Ha estado usted en nuestro cementerio.
You've been to our churchyard."
Ya ha sido enterrada en el cementerio.
She is already buried in the churchyard.
En el cementerio de Nåten hay un ancla.
In the churchyard in Nåten there is an anchor.
Samuel yacía en el cementerio.
Samuel was lying in the churchyard.
Puede vagar por los cementerios.
It can wander in churchyards.
Kendra vigiló el recinto del cementerio.
Kendra surveyed the churchyard.
Se trataba de la capilla del cementerio.
It was the chapel for the burial ground.
Ésos son los cementerios nómadas.
Those are the nomad burial grounds.
—Porque profanamos el cementerio.
“Because we disturb the burial ground.”
Los niños no fueron al cementerio.
The children did not go to the burial ground.
El conde llegó hasta el cementerio.
We carried on towards the burial ground.
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