Translation for "casi tan rápido como" to english
Casi tan rápido como
Translation examples
Eso es casi tan rapido como los Kardashians.
That's almost as fast as the Kardashians.
Una Némesis que es casi tan rápida como él.
A nemesis who moves almost as fast as he does.
¡Otto, este tipo es casi tan rápido como tú!
Hey, Otto, this dude's almost as fast as you are.
Wow, comen casi tan rápido como yo.
Whoa, you guys can eat almost as fast as me.
Diablos, Jesse es casi tan rápida como Barry.
Damn, Jesse's almost as fast as Barry.
Bueno, eso es casi tan rápido como un chorro!
Well that's almost as fast as a jet!
Sus alas se agitaban casi tan rápido como mi corazón.
His wings were beating almost as fast as my heart.
Y corre con el balón casi tan rápido como sin él.
And he runs with the ball almost as fast as he does without it.
Era el mejor de cuarto curso, casi tan rápido como Fulcher.
He was the best of the fourth graders, almost as fast as Fulcher.
El agua estaba disminuyendo casi tan rápido como había llenado la estancia.
The water was draining almost as fast as it had filled the room.
Y podía ver que el pulso le latía casi tan rápido como a mí.
And I could see it was thrumming almost as fast as my own.
Así conseguía avanzar casi tan rápido como ellos con sus espadas saltarinas.
The result had him moving almost as fast as they could with their Jumping Swords.
Este barco es casi tan rápido como el Águila, y la Gaviota de verdad era un poco más lenta.
This ship is almost as fast as the real Eagle, and the real Gull was only slightly slower than that.
Sorprendentemente, pude seguir el informe casi tan rápido como Jane lo transmitía.
Amazingly, I was able to follow the briefing almost as fast as Jane reeled it off.
Acabó lo que le quedaba de cerveza casi tan rápido como el Hauptsturmführer había hecho con la suya.
He gulped what was left of his beer almost as fast as the Hauptsturmfuhrer had drained his.
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