Translation for "casi tan poco" to english
Casi tan poco
Translation examples
- Casi tan poco como usted.
- Almost as little as you do.
El asunto me interesa casi tan poco como los comentarios de la tía Gertrude.
‘The question interests me almost as little as Aunt Gertrude’s remarks.’
Sus ojos se habían encontrado durante un tiempo casi tan breve como el que lleva parpadear, pensó.
Their eyes had met for almost as little time as it takes to blink, he thought.
El aspecto débil y decrépito de mi padre me alarmó, y caí en la cuenta de que sabía casi tan poco sobre él como sobre mi madre.
He seemed weak and old in a way that startled me. I realized that I knew almost as little about Dad as I did about Mom.
Los fotógrafos (muchos de ellos expintores) conscientemente influidos por el surrealismo cuentan hoy día casi tan poco como los fotógrafos «pictóricos» del siglo XIX que copiaban el aspecto de la pintura académica.
Those photographers (many of them ex-painters) consciously influenced by Surrealism count almost as little today as the nineteenth-century “pictorial” photographers who copied the look of Beaux-Arts painting.
Por las escaleras del metro bajaba una figura a cuatro patas, y los que posaban en ella la vista la apartaban enseguida, o se detenían a mirar, casi tan incapaces de mantenerse derechos como lo hubieran sido, si hubieran bajado como él, de avanzar escaleras abajo con tal enérgica facilidad, de meter la moneda en la ranura con los labios y pasar la barrera, de salir al andén y, tras esperar apenas un minuto, subirse a un tren.
Down the subway steps came a figure on all fours, and those who glanced at it looked away, or stopped to stare, almost as little able to stand up themselves though, if they had gone down like he was, they would have been as unable to move with his forceful ease, down, to drop his coin in the slot with his lips and pass through the stile, out onto the platform and, with hardly a minute’s wait, onto a train.
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