Translation for "captarlo" to english
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—Empiezo a captarlo.
“I’m starting to get that.”
Empezaba a captarlo.
Now he was getting it.
—No sería capaz de captarlo, ¿no?
“I wouldn’t get it right, would I?
Le costó un minuto captarlo.
He didn't get it for a minute.
Era un chiste, pero su compañero no pareció captarlo.
He was just joking, but Newt didn’t seem to get it.
—Puede que sea demasiado tonto para captarlas.
Maybe I'm just too dumb to get them.
—Sigo sin captarlo, coronel —dijo el mayor—.
"I still don't get it, Colonel," the major said.
Caltech lo quería. Princeton estaba ansioso por captarlo.
Caltech wanted him. Princeton was eager to get him.
Me temo que no suelen conseguir captarlo cuando no los han conocido personalmente.
‘Often I’m afraid they don’t quite get them if they haven’t known them.
Comprendía que no podría captarlo todo, pero me daba igual (eso era la parte hermosa).
I knew I couldn’t get all of it, but I didn’t care—that was the beauty part.
Quiero captarlo todo.
I want to capture everything.
Es muy difícil captarlo con luz reflejada.
Very difficult to capture in reflected light.
entonces pude captarlos al descuido, tales como eran.
then I could capture them off guard, just as they were.
Así que quizás ayudaría si pueden evitar captarlos vivos.
‘So perhaps if you can avoid capturing any alive that would help.’
Desde mi mirador podía verlo todo, captarlo todo, hasta el crujido de las piedras que imploraban a la noche que las aliviara de sus quemaduras.
From my makeshift observation post, I could see everything, capture everything, even the creaking of the stones imploring the evening to relieve them of their burns.
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