Translation for "c y t" to english
C y t
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P. Amar, F. Anscombe, J. Bigler, E. Brown, A. Cain, J. Gilkeson, C. Herbrandson, P. McCann, J. Taylor Morgan, J. Pavlish, C. Russell, T. Saltman, R. Schoeny y C.M. Smith hicieron revisiones muy útiles de las primeras versiones.
Helpful reviews of earlier drafts were provided by P. Amar, F. Anscombe, J. Bigler, E. Brown, A. Cain, J. Gilkeson, C. Herbrandson, P. McCann, J. Taylor Morgan, J. Pavlish, C. Russell, T. Saltman, R. Schoeny, and C.M. Smith.
Supongamos que ha visto una secuencia de números primos escrito en el lenguaje del A.D.N., que son las cuatro bases... "A", "G", "C" y "T".
Supposing you saw a sequence of prime numbers spelled out in the language of DNA, which is the four bases -- "A," "G," "C," and "T."
"A", "G", "C" y "T"... las moléculas que forman juntas la doble hélice.
"A," "G," "C," and "T" -- the molecules that zip together the double helix.
Él es Big, el Sr. C y T-Rag.
He is Big, Mr. C and T-Rag.
Por ejemplo, en algunos puntos de la cadena, un individuo dará A, C, G, T, C, C, T.
For example, at some point in the strand, one individual will read A, C, G, T, C, C, T.
¿Puede ser este el suyo…, C-I-T-R-I-N-E?
Could this be you--C-I-T-R-I-ation-E?
Por suerte, puesto que ha ido unos años al colegio, no he tenido que comenzar con la diferencia entre R-A-T y C-A-T.
Thankfully, since she has been partially educated, I didn't have to begin with R-A-T and C-A-T.
Para simplificar, los biólogos moleculares describen las cuatro bases designándolas con su letra inicial, A, G, C y T (adenina, guanina, citosina y timina).
For simplicity’s sake, molecular biologists describe the four bases by their initial letters, A, G, C, and T (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine).
Las letras C D T F O C, eran exactas, por lo que quedé muy satisfecho, viendo que algo, alguien, algún espíritu, podía leer mis pensamientos.
C D T F O C was all right, and when I got so far I gave it up, perfectly satisfied that something, or somebody, or some spirit, was reading my thoughts.
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