Translation for "benzoilo" to english
Translation examples
Aquí se procesó, junto con peróxido de benzoílo en una laca más parecida a la del esmalte de uñas.
See, here it's been processed, along with benzoyl peroxide, into a lacquer much like that, uh, found in nail polish.
Debo volver a usar el peróxido de benzoilo. No te molestes en golpear.
Got to get back on the benzoyl-peroxide train.
Por la mancha que deja, probablemente sea Peróxido de Benzoilo, extraido de un tubo.
From the staining pattern, probably benzoyl peroxide, squeezed from a tube.
Doctores del Johns Hopkins pensaron que la cristalizó. Pero resultó que solo había aislado un derivado de benzoilo.
Doc at Johns Hopkins thought he'd crystalized it, but turned out he had only isolated a benzoyl derivative.
Caitlin abrió el botiquín, sacó el tubo de crema de peróxido de benzoílo, y se puso a trabajar.
Caitlin opened the medicine cabinet, took out the tube of benzoyl peroxide cream, and got to work.
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