Translation for "bailaba" to english
Translation examples
60. El comandante Thégboro y sus hombres terminaron por retirarse y los dirigentes políticos partieron de la Universidad en dirección al estadio, donde reinaba un ambiente festivo: la gente rezaba, bailaba y cantaba.
60. Commander Thégboro and his men eventually withdrew and the political leaders left the University to head for the stadium where a festive atmosphere prevailed: people were praying, dancing and singing.
Cuando las torres gemelas se derrumbaron, en los tejados de Ramallah, en Naplusa y en otros lugares, la gente bailaba.
When the Twin Towers collapsed -- that was when there was dancing on the roofs of Ramallah, in Nablus and other places.
Y cuando bailabas.
And your dancing.
Yo bailaba aquí.
I danced here.
Antes bailaba mucho.
- I used to dance.
Sí, él bailaba.
Yes, he danced.
¡Tú también bailabas!
You were dancing, too!
Cuando no bailaba.
When I wasn't dancing,
¿Vicky bailaba aquí?
Vicky danced here?
Yo también bailaba...
I danced once too...
Bailaba el tango.
He danced the tango.
Había quien bailaba.
Someone was dancing.
Un gordo bailaba junto a la piscina, y bailaba bien.
There was a fat man dancing by the pool, dancing well.
Bailaba por el placer de bailar.
She danced for the dance itself.
En mi sueño... Ella bailaba. Bailaba en una choza llena de humo.
In my dream… She was dancing. She was dancing in some smoky barn.
¿Bailabas con ella?
Did you dance with her?
Bailaba con un griego.
Dancing with a Greek.
bailaba y se extinguía.
danced and died again.
– ¿Con quién bailaba él?
“Who was he dancing with?”
Bailaba sobre las puntas.
She danced, spikily.
bailaba por dentro.
I was dancing inside.
—le interrumpió Alec. Una colección de nombres desconocidos bailaba en su cabeza.
Alec broke in, his head spinning with unfamiliar names.
Su risa, su furia, la piedra amarilla que giraba y bailaba: bailadeslumbradeslumbra.
Her laughter, her fury, the swinging, spinning yellow stone: spindazzledazzle.
Rodó, no se rompió, amortiguados los tumbos por la parte alfombrada sobre la que nevó ceniza, yo me apresuré a recogerlo cuando aún bailaba.
It rolled away, without breaking, its fall cushioned by the carpeted area on which the ash fell like snow, I hurried to pick it up when it was still spinning.
Me encerré en mi habitación y empecé a hacer un boceto para organizar mis ideas. Tenía que haber un modo de darle la vuelta a la Selección y sacar algo bueno de ella. El lápiz bailaba sobre el papel; cada vez que trazaba una línea, resolvía un dilema.
I sat in my room, sketching, trying to organize my thoughts. There had to be a way to spin this, to turn it into something good. My pencil zipped across the page, and it felt like each time a line straightened out, so did a problem.
Diré que encontré algo en la casucha de hielo de mi papá mientras yo bailaba dando brincos para bluegills.
I'll say I spotted something at my dad's ice shanty while I was jigging for bluegills.
Mientras la pila iba creciendo, él bailaba.
While the stack mounted up, he jigged.
Nick Vigus había traído su flauta, y la gente bailaba al compás de la música.
Nick Vigus had brought his flute and people were jigging to his tune.
El mayor Kearsey bailaba de la emoción, con el sable desenvainado, pero perdió la sonrisa cuando vio a Sharpe. —¡Está herido!
Major Kearsey was jigging with the excitement, his sabre drawn, but his smile went as he saw Sharpe. 'You're hit!'
La copa le temblaba y, si me permite la expresión, le bailaba tanto en la mano, que tuvo que afianzarla por el borde con la otra.
He took the cup by the stem in one hand and it quivered and, if I may say so reverently, jigged about so much that he was obliged to grasp it by the rim with the other.
La Sra. Claus bailaba alegre vestida de encaje rojo,
Mrs. Claus, she pranced around in red sheer lace,
–Cantabas y bailabas como la niña que jamás has sido.
You sang and pranced about like the child you never were.
Bailaba y reía fuera de sí, dando saltos, con una gran jeringa en cada mano. —¡Muerto!
He cackled and giggled, prancing, a spent injector tube clutched in each hand. ‘Dead!
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