Translation for "aviar" to english
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Translation examples
Gripe aviar
Avian influenza
Actualización sobre la gripe aviar
Update on Avian Influenza
Experimentos sobre la gripe aviar
Avian Influenza Experiments
Influenza aviar
Avian flu
Esto es una garrapata aviar,
This is an avian tick,
Parece gripe aviar.
Looks like avian flu.
¡Sí, gripe aviar!
Avian flu! Jackpot.
La gripe aviar está aquí.
The avian flu is here.
Aviar no ungulado.
Avian nos ungulate. Whatever.
Tengo síndrome óseo aviar.
I have avian bone syndrome.
. - Asia, Porcino, Aviar.
- Asian, Swine, Avian.
La muestra era aviar.
The sample was Avian.
¿Cuál es tu especialidad aviar?
What's your avian speciality?
¿Sospecha de gripe aviar?
Did you suspected avian influenza?
Los ruidos aviares se esfumaron.
The avian noises receded.
a su manera aviar, eran tan excelsos como Choco.
in their avian way, they were as excellent as Choco.
Yo nunca me habría atrevido a elegir un augurio aviar.
I would never have dared to choose an avian augury.
Los birilisi eran una especie aviar y muy dados a los excesos narcóticos.
The Birilisi were an avian species and much given to excessive narcoticism;
Las chimeneas de París sufren el azote de extáticos nubarrones aviares.
The chimneys of Paris are buffeted by ecstatic avian storm clouds.
Sin intentarlo, Rana seguía caminando con la gracia aviar de su secuestradora;
Without trying, Rana still walked with the avian grace of her captor;
A dos calles de allí, un halo de inquietud alcanzó al piquete aviar.
Two streets away, inklings of unease reached the avian picket.
—Lo dijo como si describiera qué era más desagradable, si la meningitis o la gripe aviar—.
She said it as if she was describing which was more unpleasant, meningitis or the avian flu.
Estos debieron de oírle, porque se lanzaron a interpretar una sinfonía aviar de particular virtuosismo.
The birds must have heard him because they launched into an avian symphony of particular virtuosity.
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