Translation for "autopropulsado" to english
Translation examples
¿Habrían visto antes carros autopropulsados?
Had they ever seen self-propelled cruisers?
Homúnculo, un ser fabricado, está suspendido en una retorta de cristal, una pompa autopropulsada.
Homunculus, a fabricated being, hovers in its glass retort, a self-propelled bubble.
La cámara, autopropulsada, parecida a un diminuto batiscafo, pasó por encima de la borda;
The self-propelled camera, looking like a midget bathyscape, went over the side;
(Evidentemente, los baúles autopropulsados eran otra de las tecnologías que la Nueva República prohibía).
(Evidently self-propelled shipping chests were yet another technology that the New Republic shunned.)
Tendrás que disponer unas cuantas trampas autopropulsadas. —De acuerdo —dijo Barney.
You’ll have to set out a few self-propelling traps.” “Okay,” Barney said.
Abriendo una compuerta superior, disparó un dardo autopropulsado con punta de cianuro.
     It released, from an aperture at its upper lid, a cyanide-tipped self-propelling dart.
—preguntó Diggs, cuando pasaban frente a una formación de obuses autopropulsados de 155 mm.
Diggs asked, as they drove past the assembled self-propelled 155-mm howitzers.
«zumbador» significa uno cualquiera de los diferentes tipos de mecanismos autopropulsados, pilotados a distancia.
meaning any one of several types of self-propelled mechanisms, piloted from a distance.
Detrás de él, los hombres charlaban con ansiedad por el ruido suave de sus máquinas excavadoras autopropulsadas.
Behind him, the men chattered anxiously over the soft rumble of their rolling, self-propelled digging machines.
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