Translation for "asustarme" to english
Translation examples
—¿Se supone que eso tendría que asustarme?
“Is that supposed to scare me?”
—Lo bastante para asustarme.
“Enough to scare me.”
Está tratando de asustarme.
She’s trying to scare me.”
—Logró asustarme a mí.
She succeeded in scaring me.
—No intentes asustarme.
“Don’t try to scare me.”
—Intentas asustarme.
“You’re trying to scare me.
—¿Estás intentando asustarme?
“You trying to scare me?”
– Para asustarme, supongo.
To scare me, I guess.
—Empiezas a asustarme.
“You're beginning to scare me,”
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