Translation for "así que pensé que era" to english
Así que pensé que era
  • so i thought it was
Translation examples
so i thought it was
Así que pensé que era momento de que yo comprara uno.
So I thought it was time that I bought one.
Así que pensé que era hora de que dejara de pretender que le gusta Crystal.
So I thought it was about time he stopped pretending to me that he likes Crystal.
Así que pensé que era momento de decir que no.
So I thought it was time I just stood up and said no.
Así que pensé que era hora de una intervención.
So I thought it was time for an intervention.
Ella dijo que era medicinal, así que pensé que era bueno para ti.
She said it was medicinal so I thought it was good for you.
Bueno, tú me diste esas estupendas entradas de futbol así que pensé que era lo mínimo que podía hacer.
Well, you gave me those great football tickets so I thought it was the least I could do.
Tenemos una larga historia de conversaciones sin terminar, así que... pensé que era hora de que...
Got a long history of unfinished conversations, so... I thought it was about time that...
Intentaba decirme algo, así que pensé que era una señal.
He was trying to tell me something, so I thought it was a sign.
Estaba oscuro, y sonaba igual que Preston, así que pensé que era él.
It was dark, and he sounded just like Preston, so I thought it was him.
Así que pensé que era un ataque, y la traje para aquí. Inteligente.
So I thought it was a seizure and I just drove right here.
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