Translation examples
¿Acaso lo arrojaste...
Did you throw his ass...
¿Por qué arrojaste el celular?
Why did you throw your phone away?
¿Arrojaste su refrigerador?
Her fridge? You didn't throw that out, did you?
¿Por qué le arrojaste agua?
Why did you have to throw the water at him?
¿Tú las arrojaste?
You'd throw them away?
-¿Tú arrojaste eso?
-Did you throw that?
¡Me arrojaste agua a mí!
At me... You throw water at me.
- ¿Le arrojaste un ladrillo?
Did you throw a brick?
¿Arrojaste la maceta por la ventana?
Did you throw the plant to the window?
¿La arrojaste el fardo entero?
What, you will throw the full bundle?
—¿Me la arrojaste a mí?
Were you throwing it at me?
—¿Arrojaste tú esa botella?
Did you throw that bottle?
¿Por qué me arrojaste ese cuchillo?
Why did you throw that knife?
¿Por qué le arrojaste la bandeja?
Why did you throw the tray?
¿Lo arrojaste ante mis ojos?
Do you throw that in my face?
—¿Por qué me arrojaste tu espada?
‘Why did you throw me your sword?’
—¿Lo arrojaste por la borda cuando terminaste? —preguntó el capitán. —¿Yo?
Throw it overboard when you done with it?” asked the captain. “Me?
—No me arrojaste sobre la mesa —le dije—, así que yo tampoco lo haré.
"You didn't throw me at the table," I told him. "So I won't do it to you either."
—¿Arrojaste ese cuchillo? No hubo respuesta. Harkins cogió al aterrorizado hombre por la garganta y le sacudió con violencia.
"Did you throw that knife?" No response. Harkins caught the terrified man by the throat and shook him violently.
Como arrojaste a tu padre y a Ilana y a Boaz al basurero, como has decidido arrojarte a ti mismo al infierno: como tirar un par de calcetines viejos.
Just as you threw your father in the bin, just as you threw Ilana and Boaz on the scrap heap, just as now you have decided to throw yourself in hell: like throwing away a pair of old socks.
Lo arrojaste al mundo sin mostrarle cómo era.
You cast him out into the world without showing him who he was.
Cuando la arrojaste... ¿qué es lo que viste?
When you cast it in what did you see?
Creo que arrojaste un corazón precioso.
I think what you cast away is a precious heart.
¿Cómo revertimos el hechizo que arrojaste en mi colega?
How do we reverse the spell that you cast on my associate?
—Entonces ¿por qué la arrojaste lejos?
Then why did you cast it aside?
—¡Arrojaste un conjuro sobre mi sombrero!
You cast a spell upon my hat!
Sólo se lamenta por las cenizas que arrojaste a la corriente.
He grieves only for the ashes that you cast upon the stream.
—Habías estado explorando las artes prohibidas de la proyección de la voluntad, y así arrojaste una parte de ti mismo en esta prisión.
You had been exploring the forbidden arts of will-casting, and so you will-cast a portion of yourself into this prison.
Tú lo arrojaste al estanque y ahora es nuestro. —Necesito que me lo devolváis —dijo Kendra.
You cast it into the pond, and we have claimed it." "I need it back," Kendra said.
Arrojaste por la borda tu dignidad el día en que alzaste las armas contra Roma.
You cast away your dignity the day you took up arms against Roma.
—Yo la amaba, ya lo sabes —siguió él, hablando como un anciano que tuviera una hernia—. Ella lo era todo para mí… Y tú la arrojaste de una forma tan… brutal.
“I loved her, you see,” he went on, talking like an old man with a hernia. “She meant everything to me . and you had cast her away so . brutally.
—Cuando permitiste que asumiera un cuerpo mortal, cuando me arrojaste a la Tierra para que las hijas de los hombres me curaran y atendieran, durante los primeros siglos de existencia del mundo, no prometiste volver a admitirme en el cielo.
“ ‘When you left me in that fleshly body, when you cast me down for the Daughters of Men to heal and care for, in the early centuries of this very land, I had no promise you would take me back to Heaven.
Que los dioses con los que estás en comunión te protejan en la tierra y te reciban cuando la abandones, tú, que te afanaste por salvar a cierta persona y arrojaste tu manto sobre Beltis cuando una espada, que ahora se halla sobre otro corazón, amenazaba el suyo.
May the gods with whom you commune be your shield upon earth and receive you when you leave the earth, you who strove to save a certain one and cast your mantle over Beltis when a sword that now is set in another’s heart was at her own.
Él no quiso entregarte su restaurante, así que descuartizaste a su familia y los arrojaste al mar.
He wouldn't give you his restaurant, so you dismembered his whole family and dumped them into the sea.
Me arrojaste al suelo unas quinientas veces, siempre con más fuerza de la necesaria, siempre retorciéndome la muñeca un pelín de más.
You threw me to the ground about five hundred times, always a lot harder than you had to, always giving my wrist that extra little twist.
un cuerpo frágil que mataste y arrojaste al espacio.
a fragile body you killed and dumped into space.
- la estrangulaste, la arrojaste al lodo?
- choke her, dump her in the mud?
Arrojaste el cuerpo, pero tomaste las partes.
You dumped the body,but you took the parts.
- Oye, me caí, no me arrojaste.
No look, I feel, I didn't get dumped.
¿Arrojaste su cuerpo al lago?
- No. - Did you dump his body in the lake?
¿Arrojaste verbena en el suministro de agua?
You dumped vervain into the water supply?
Sé dónde arrojaste al tío del sindicato de automoción.
I know where you dumped the guy from UAW.
Los mataste y los arrojaste en la bahía. ¿Entendido?
You killed them and dumped them at the harbor. Got it?
- Pero tú la arrojaste aquí.
But you're the one that dumped it here.
Las arrojaste en mi papelera por error.
You dumped them in my pidge by mistake.
Lo arrojaste al espacio.
You dumped him into space.
Regresaste al botiquín, riendo, excitada, y tomaste el frasco de cápsulas contra el espasmo y las arrojaste al excusado.
You returned to the medicine cabinet and got the stomach pills and dumped them into the toilet too.
Tú también sofocaste la risa con la palma de la mano y arrojaste las pastillas al excusado y las viste perder su capa de celulosa verde, convertirse en una gelatina, depositar el polvo blanco y desintegrarse.
Covering your laughter with the palm of your hand, you dumped the capsules into the toilet and watched them lose their layer of green gelatine and become soft and then sink, loosing their white dust as they disintegrated.
..cuando nos vimos por primera vez, tú me arrojaste la maceta.
When we met for the first time, you hurled the flowerpot at me.
Le arrojaste el trofeo que te dio la asamblea legisladora.
You hurled the trophy which the MLA presented you.
Y ahora libre de su tiranía ¡te arrojaste en sus grandes y abultados bíceps!
And now free and liberated from all her tyranny you've hurled yourself back into his big, bulging biceps!
Arrojaste el veneno al aire eso ocurrió, lo sabes.
You spew that poison out in the airwaves, this happened, you know it.
Arrojaste el té a la bahía y le dijiste al rey que se jodiera.
You chucked the tea in the bay and told the king to fuck off.
—Vi lo que acabas de hacer… cuando te arrojaste… allá atrás… me dio una idea… sólo tenemos que soportar un poco más.
Between heaving breaths, he gasped, “I just saw … the dive move you did … back there … gave me an idea … we only have to last … a little while longer.”
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