Translation for "arrojarse" to english
Translation examples
Pueden arrojarse desde alturas de 30 metros y sumergirse unos 10 metros.
They can dive from as high as 100 feet, and plunge as deep as 30.
más, se imaginaba, que arrojarse medio borracho debajo de un tren en marcha.
more, he imagined, than plunging half stoned under a moving train.
El hombre se borró de la faz de la tierra al desnudarse y arrojarse debajo del hielo.
He erased himself from the face of the earth by stripping off his clothes and plunging through the ice.
Estaban en el lugar donde otrora había pensado arrojarse al agua y ahogarse, para evitar las obligaciones de la vida conyugal.
This was where she had once thought to plunge and suffocate in the mud to avoid the obligations of married life.
Dos hombres sujetaron con fuerza a Titus, pues casi parecía que iba a arrojarse al agua.
       Two men held Titus firmly, for he had made as though to plunge into the water.
—¡No, Sally…, no! —volví a gritar, porque estaba seguro de que pensaba arrojarse a aquella famélica boca de piedra.
'Don't. Sally, don't!' I screamed again, for I knew she was about to plunge into the hungry stone mouth.
Esta vez la zambullida del loco no le llenó del sentimiento de horror que experimentara la primera vez que le viera arrojarse desde la roca.
This time the madman's plunge into the cold depths at his feet filled him with none of the horror of that first insane leap from the rock above.
Ganó su carrera contra el agua, logró llegar a cubierta y arrojarse por la borda apenas segundos antes que la nave se hundiera.
He won his race with the rising water and managed to reach the Boat Deck and throw himself over the side only seconds before the ship took her plunge.
Al arrojarse haciendo fuerza hacia afuera, su envión hizo que la barra diera una vuelta a la cadena y, con el descenso de su peso sobre ella, hizo que la cadena realizara una torcedura prodigiosa.
Plunging outward, his momentum carried the bar around the chain and, as his weight came upon it, gave the chain a prodigious twist.
Siempre que uno no hiciera algo completamente estúpido, como arrojarse a un agujero negro o blanco, no existía fuerza natural capaz de amenazar a una nave de su potencia y sofisticación.
providing you didn't try to do anything utterly stupid like plunge into a black or a white hole, there was simply no natural force that could threaten a ship of its power and sophistication;
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