Translation for "argumentarlo" to english
Translation examples
Ahora les toca argumentarlas.
Now we must argue them.
Qué narices, ni siquiera tenía que argumentarlo;
Hell, he did not even have to argue it;
Había sido rutina del juicio someter todas las peticiones no públicas a las ocho y media para poder argumentarlas en privado sin restar tiempo de sala.
It had been the routine of the trial to submit all nonpublic conference requests by 8:30 A.M. so that they could be considered and argued in chambers without cutting into court time.
Argumentarle que yo realmente había visto un fantasma no creo realmente me favoreciera en este momento. Decidía, incluso si comenzaba a creer que era exactamente lo que veía.
Arguing that I'd really seen a ghost wasn't probably going to do me any favors, I decided, even if I was starting to believe that was exactly what I was seeing.
Mi querido príncipe, las relaciones entre vos y vuestra familia no puede decirse que estén en su mejor momento —Tesla sonrió amablemente al decir aquello, pero Alek apenas pudo argumentarle nada.
My dear prince, you and your family are hardly on the best of terms.” Tesla smiled gently as he said this, but Alek could hardly argue.
Hubiera podido argumentarle que las papas eran originarias de América, que sin América sus tales campesinos no hubieran podido comer ni siquiera papas, pero mejor me mordí la lengua para no revirarle, y eso que también hubiera podido preguntarle que si le parecía muy manjar de reyes su vulgar sancocho de coles fermentadas.
I could have argued that potatoes are originally from the Americas, that without the Americas, his peasants could not have eaten any potatoes, but I bit my tongue so as not to get him riled up. Although I could have also asked him if he thought his crude scraps of fermented cabbage were a feast for a king.
Creo que acabo de ser muy grosero con él, y no se lo merecía en absoluto. Tan sólo quería saber cómo crían aquí a los dragones para argumentarles que en Inglaterra no hemos tratado tan mal a Temerario. —Bueno, en mi opinión se merecía un buen rapapolvo —dijo Granby—.
“Indeed, I am afraid I was plainly rude to him just now, and he did not deserve it in the least: he was only curious how they raise the dragons here, so he could argue with them that Temeraire’s treatment in England has not been so ill.” “Well, as far as I am concerned he deserved a trimming,” Granby said.
Todos los personajes tenían buenas intenciones, ninguno de ellos quería que ocurriese una tragedia, pero, a pesar de sus esfuerzos sinceros, el resultado fue una pérdida catastrófica y devastadora[99]. A pesar de sus orgullosas afirmaciones de honrar la libertad y la independencia, la polis no podía acoger a una Antígona, que desobedecía sus leyes por el más piadoso de los motivos, mantenía sus convicciones y era capaz de argumentarlas con un logos apasionado y convincente.
All the characters had good intentions, none of them wanted the tragedy to occur, but despite their sincere and best efforts, the result was catastrophic and devastating loss.99 Despite its proud claim to honor freedom and independence, the polis could not accommodate an Antigone, who disobeyed its laws for the most pious of motives, stood up for her convictions, and was able to argue for them with passionate, convincing logos.
Me daba angustia dejarla sin compañía durante aquellas horas nocturnas, porque sin duda eran las peores y las más difíciles de atravesar, pero también pensé que quizá necesitaba pasarlas a solas para empezar a sobreponerse, que podía convenirle que yo no estuviera allí a su lado para hablar con ella e intentar consolarla y preguntarle, para razonarle y argumentarle, tampoco eso había servido de nada durante cuatro días con sus noches en claro, ni un avance.
It worried me to leave her unaccompanied during those night hours, because they were doubtless the worst and the most difficult to get through, but I thought, too, that perhaps she needed to spend them alone in order to begin to recover, that it might be good for her not to have me by her side to talk to her and try to console her and ask her questions, to reason and argue with her, because this had served no useful purpose in the four days and nights she had spent awake, none at all.
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