Translation for "aproximadamente son y están" to english
Aproximadamente son y están
Translation examples
Donde dice aproximadamente el 59% debe decir aproximadamente el 38%
For Approximately 59 per cent read Approximately 38 per cent
Donde dice aproximadamente 8,4 millones debe decir aproximadamente 10,4 millones
For approximately $8.4 million read approximately $10.4 million
Donde dice aproximadamente 7,1 millones debe decir aproximadamente 9,0 millones
For approximately $7.1 million read approximately $9.0 million
Donde dice aproximadamente el 17% debe decir aproximadamente el 11%
For Approximately 17 per cent read Approximately 11 per cent
Aproximadamente, muchacho, aproximadamente —repuso Henry riéndose.
'Approximately, kid, approximately.' Henry chuckled, then frowned.
—¿Aproximadamente de este aspecto?
Approximately of this appearance?”
Eran bípedos, aproximadamente humanoides en forma y aproximadamente saurianos en derivación.
They were bipeds, approximately humanoid in form and approximately saurischian in derivation.
—La región sería aproximadamente esta.
“This would be the approximate region.”
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