Translation for "aplicarnos" to english
Translation examples
A continuación tendremos que aplicarnos con renovada voluntad política a la búsqueda de soluciones para estos problemas fundamentales.
We need then to apply new and deliberate political will to finding solutions to these core issues.
A ello debemos aplicarnos, de conformidad con el Programa de Acción, y no a otra cosa.
It was therefore crucial for the international community to apply itself wholeheartedly to that task, and none other, in accordance with the Programme of Action.
Creo que deberíamos aplicarnos al trabajo que tenemos por delante.
I think that we should apply ourselves to the work that's ahead of us.
¿Podemos dejar de hablar sobre eliminar estrategias y aplicarnos?
So can we just stop all the talk about cutting strategies and apply ourselves?
Su oferta no significó que ibamos a aplicarnos Junto para el Hospital de Seoul?
Your proposal didn't mean that we were going to apply for Seoul Hospital together?
Llegó el momento de aplicarnos a la acción. Tenemos que actuar.
The time has come for us to apply ourselves to action. We have to act.
A menos que queramos dar explicaciones de lo que ha pasado aquí, y parece que eso sería una mala idea, vamos a tener que aplicarnos iratzes.
“Unless we want to explain what happened here, and it seems that would be a bad idea, we should probably apply iratzes.”
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