Translation for "anti-yo" to english
Translation examples
Aquí es, la guarida del anticristo donde todo es anti-yo.
This is it, the lair of the anti-christ, Where everything's anti-me.
¿Sabes cuantas señales anti-yo puede comprar eso?
Do you know how many anti-me signs that could buy?
Si existiera un anti-yo hecho de antimateria esa persona en teoría seria exactamente como yo la misma personalidad caprichosa, todo igual a mí. Excepto, por supuesto, que cuando decida estrechar su mano.
If there was an anti-me made out of antimatter, that person, in principle, could look exactly like me... same personality quirks, same everything, except, of course, when I decide to shake his hand.
Mi gente, contemplen el anti-yo.
My people, behold the anti-me.
De algún modo había utilizado aquella muestra para clonar al señor Black original, implantando sugerencias que le hacían una especie de anti-yo mío y le había enviado a la Casa con amnesia, estimulando además su instinto de supervivencia.
Somewhere, he had used that sample to clone the original Mr. Black, implanted suggestions that made him something of an anti-me and sent him into the House with amnesia and his survival instinct going for him.
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