Translation for "anarcosindicalistas" to english
  • anarcho-syndicalists
Translation examples
Mi propio hermano, Santiago, estaba con los anarcosindicalistas.
My own brother Santiago was with the anarcho-syndicalists.
La bestia negra de los anarcosindicalistas del Valle de Mé- xico.
The black beast, the arch-enemy of the anarcho-syndicalists in the Valley of Mexico.
Hice la guerra como capitán de milicianos socialistas y anarcosindicalistas que lucharon bravamente.
I served as a militia captain with a brave company of hard-fighting socialists and anarcho-syndicalists.
En principio, era una lucha ideológica: los jóvenes anarcosindicalistas eran realistas, antiviolentos, renovadores y posibilistas;
In principle, this was an ideological battle: the young anarcho-syndicalists were realists, reformers, possibilists and opposed to violence;
y la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (C.N.T.), partido y sindicato de los anarquistas y anarcosindicalistas, han sufrido seriamente por ello.
and the C.N.T., the party and Trades Union of the Anarchists and Anarcho-syndicalists, have had to suffer seriously from it.
Previsiblemente, los jóvenes anarcosindicalistas, que en gran parte ya habían sido expulsados o se habían marchado del sindicato, acabaron derrotados;
Predictably, the young anarcho-syndicalists, most of whom had left the party or been expelled, were defeated;
Lo primero que hicieron fue demonizar a los jóvenes anarcosindicalistas con acusaciones de revisionistas, colaboracionistas, reformistas y marxistas heterodoxos;
The first thing they did was to demonise the young anarcho-syndicalists, accusing them of being revisionists, collaborators, reformers and heterodox Marxists;
Ella es española e hija de anarcosindicalistas españoles, ya ves que muchos se vinieron a México cuando Juárez derrotó a Maximiliano.
She’s a Spaniard, or anyway the daughter of Spanish anarcho-syndicalists—many of them came to Mexico when Benito Juárez defeated the Emperor Maximilian.
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