Translation for "amigablemente" to english
Translation examples
La expresión “amigablemente” es inútil (negociar “amigablemente” es una tautología) o peligrosa (podría permitir hacer caso omiso del derecho, contrariamente a lo que establece el proyecto de artículos).
The term “amicably” is either unnecessary (to negotiate “amicably” is a tautology) or dangerous (in that it might allow the law to be set aside, contrary to what is stated elsewhere in the draft articles).
Los funcionarios locales han tratado de calmar estas situaciones y resolver los problemas amigablemente.
Local officials have been striving to defuse and solve these problems amicably.
El Ministerio de Trabajo ayuda a empleadores y empleados a resolver amigablemente, mediante conciliación, las controversias relacionadas con el empleo.
MOM assists employers and employees in resolving employment disputes amicably through conciliation.
Sólo se recurre al arbitraje en última instancia si no se han logrado resolver amigablemente las controversias que puedan haber surgido de los contratos.
Arbitration is the mechanism of last resort, used when disputes arising from contracts are not resolved amicably.
El sistema de coordinación permite también a los autores resolver su problema de violencia y a los particulares y las familias, los problemas y diferencias amigablemente.
The networking system also helps perpetrators deal with their violence and individuals and families to resolve their problems and differences in an amicable way.
Todo desacuerdo o controversia debe resolverse amigablemente.
Any disagreement or dispute should be settled amicably.
Más del 90% de las controversias relacionadas con el empleo se solucionan amigablemente mediante conciliación.
More than 90 per cent of employment disputes are settled amicably through conciliation.
Kenya abriga la esperanza de que el pueblo de China resuelva solo y amigablemente y sus asuntos internos.
Kenya hoped that the people of China would amicably resolve their internal matters on their own.
¿Podemos hacer esto amigablemente?
Shall you and I do this... amicably?
El asunto puede arreglarse amigablemente.
The matter can be settled amicably.
Pero se separaron amigablemente.
But the parting was amicable.
Amigablemente no, al principio.
Not amicably, at first.
Disolvimos nuestra sociedad, amigablemente.
Dissolved our partnership,amicably.
Siempre resolvemos las cosas amigablemente.
We always settle things amicably.
Amigablemente, por supuesto.
Amicably, of course.
Esperaba solucionar esto amigablemente.
I was hoping to settle this amicably.
Lo resolveremos amigablemente.
We'll work this out amicably.
Conversaron amigablemente hasta que se hizo tarde.
They chatted amicably until late.
—Igual que tú —contestó amigablemente el prefecto—.
Prefect Corin said amicably, “As did you.
En algunos lugares ellos se han mezclado y viven amigablemente unos junto de otros;
In some places they mingle or live amicably side by side.
– Confiaba en poder resolver esto amigablemente, señor Valera.
‘I was hoping to resolve this amicably, Señor Valera.’
Después del café, los comensales se habían dispersado amigablemente.
Isobel’s lunch party, with coffee drunk, had amicably dispersed.
y en seguida Suratt y él empezaron a discutir amigablemente sobre el trabajo.
and presently he and Suratt were arguing amicably about work.
—No hay de qué. —El enano enseñó de nuevo los dientes, la palmeó amigablemente en hombro—.
'It's nothing.' The dwarf bared his teeth again and patted her shoulder amicably.
—Rústicos —dijo amigablemente—. Reservo mi cólera para ocasiones más significativas.
“Peasants,” he said amicably. “I save my wrath for more significant occasions.
—Supongo que sí —convino Goldberg—. De todos modos, me alegro de que todo se resolviera amigablemente.
“I presume so,” Goldberg agreed. “Anyway, I’m glad it was all settled amicably.
Parecemos estar conversando amigablemente.
- We seem to be conversing amiably.
¿Amigablemente o le debes dinero?
Amiably or owing money?
Prefiero mis pantuflas y el fuego amigablemente indiferente a su cuerpo perfumado.
I prefer my slippers and the amiably indifferent log fire, compared to your perfumed body.
– preguntó Maitland amigablemente-.
Maitland asked amiably.
—preguntó Ellery, amigablemente.
Ellery asked amiably.
—¿Y por qué no? —respondió Alleyn amigablemente—.
“Why not?” Alleyn said amiably.
—Sonreí amigablemente a Paul—.
I smiled amiably at Paul.
Marcus se encogió de hombros amigablemente.
Marcus shrugged amiably.
Lo dijo amigablemente, sin beligerancia.
She said it amiably, without belligerence.
—Cierto —concedió Oscar amigablemente.
‘Indeed,’ said Oscar, amiably.
—Eso ya lo veremos —repuso Bartholdi amigablemente—.
“That remains to be seen,” said Bartholdi amiably.
—Él habló en náhuatl y sonrió amigablemente—.
He spoke Náhuatl and he grinned amiably.
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