Translation for "algo raro" to english
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Translation examples
Hay algo raro. ¿Qué?
Something's weird.
- pasó algo raro.
- something weird happened.
He notado algo raro.
There's something weird.
Algo raro pasa allí.
- Abby. - Something weird...
Hay algo raro aqui.
Something weird here.
Había algo raro en él.
There was something weird about him.
—¿Y descubriste algo raro?
“And you found something weird?”
Gally está tramando algo raro.
Gally is up to something weird.
—Hay algo raro en ese humo.
“There’s something weird about that smoke.
Algo… raro». ¿Algo en su cabeza?
Something — weird. Something in his head?
Pero había algo raro sobre todos los Asesinos.
But there was something weird about all Assassins.
Algo raro, ¿verdad?
Something strange I bet.
Había en ello algo raro.
There was something strange in this.
Hay algo raro en todo esto.
There's something strange with them.
Efectivamente, había algo raro.
There was definitely something strange about him.
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