Translation for "alegatos especiales" to english
Alegatos especiales
Translation examples
Acusar solamente a una de las partes, la parte serbia, de las atrocidades cometidas es formular un alegato especial que reportará beneficios políticos a corto plazo, pero cuya justificación moral es sumamente dudosa y que, a la larga, rebotará sobre quienes lo formulan con consecuencias vergonzosas.
To accuse then only one, the Serb, side for the atrocities belongs to the realm of special pleading which is bound to bring short-term political benefits, but the moral standing of which is highly dubious and which will eventually rebound on those engaging in it with shameful consequences.
Ha llegado el momento de que terminen los alegatos especiales y de que los demás sigan el ejemplo.
It is time for the special pleading to stop and for others to follow suit.
—¡Pues imagino que debe de ser un alegato especial!
I take it that that was a bit of special pleading!
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