Translation for "alabándola" to english
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Una noche, alabándola (en todo caso, ese motivo pensé que me impulsaba), le dije: «Tendrías que vender esto. Es demasiado para un solo hombre…».
One night, to praise her (I imagined, at any rate, that that was my motive), I said, “You ought to market this, it’s too much for one man,”
Masao le hablaba en un inglés bastante fluido. También Hidemi era capaz ya de mantener una sencilla conversación en inglés, lo que enorgullecía a su marido, que escribía a su primo de California hablándole de ella y alabándola.
He spoke English to her, and although his own English was not totally without flaws, he was fairly fluent, and even Hidemi could now manage a simple conversation in English. Masao was proud of her. She was a good wife to him, a wonderful friend, and a loving mother. She was everything he had hoped for, and in letters to his cousin in America, he always told little stories about her, and praised her.
ahora tu sexo de guadaña va a tener que derrotar primero a mi mariposa y mi mariposa muerde, cuidado, y vuela, y pica, y punza, te lo advierto, nunca más me verás indefensa y entonces él la tomó del talle, y de un solo movimiento la volteó, la dejó de un golpe bocabajo, mostrando al amante y al mirón las nalgas envidiosas, lubricadas, fáciles de penetrar y él se le clavó por atrás, no en el ano sino en la sabrosa vagina ofrecida y entreabierta, aceitada y afeitada, reducida al vello impalpable e invisible de la pubertad, cubierto el mono rasurado por la mariposa que ahora voló para salvarse del atropello, reveló el montículo de la mujer ensombrecido ya, a pesar del afeite matutino, por un veloz y poblado renacimiento de cerdas, miembro y membrillo reunidos, tú también tienes un hoyo: como si obedeciese a su ama, la mariposa se posó entre las nalgas pequeñas y levantadas del hombre y allí le hizo cosquillas y él se vino doblemente, alabándola, agradeciéndole su victoria, Elisia, Elisia, tú con sólo mirarme me haces gozar, no me des además todo esto que no tengo con qué pagarte, sí, Romero, hazme lo que le harías a un toro, chúpame Romero como quisieras chuparle al toro y no te atreves, torero macho, porque no quieres aceptar que el toro es tu macho y que los dos sois dos maricas perdidos sólo que el toro sí te quiere coger y tú no te dejas coger, ahora cógeme a mí como te cogerías al toro, hazme venir como harías que se vinieran juntas las parejas imposibles, la mariposa y el toro, Romero, el sol inmóvil y la luna que crece y se achica y se vuelve uña y niña, muérdeme, Romero, la uñita, sé cariñoso con tu puta, sólo la uñita, cariño, y vuelve a crecer y a crecer, ¿no me envidias, sol, tú siempre allí, inmutable, con tu traje de luces eterno, mientras el universo te corre carreras alrededor de la cintura y a todos puedes quemar con tus rayos pero a nadie te puedes coger con tu verga de fuego, pues la noche te deja impotente?
now the scythe of your sex must first defeat my butterfly, and my butterfly bites, be careful, and soars, and pricks, and punctures, I warn you, never again will you find me defenseless, and then he takes her by the waist and turns her over with a single motion, places her face-down with a single stroke, exposing to the lover and the watcher her avid buttocks, lubricated, easy to penetrate, and he enters her from behind, not in the anus but in the sweet vagina, proffered, half open, oiled, shaved, reduced to the impalpable and invisible down of puberty, the shaved mons veneris covered by the butterfly, which now flew away to keep from being crushed, revealing the woman’s pubic mound, already darkened, despite the morning shave, by a heavy, quick rebirth of stubble, member and membrane rejoined; you also have a hole: as if obeying its mistress, the butterfly alighted between the man’s small, raised buttocks and tickled him there, and he came and came again, praising her, thanking her for his victory, Elisia, Elisia, you can transport me with nothing but a look, how can you give me more than this, for which I can never repay you; yes, Romero, do me as you would a bull, stick me, Romero, as you would like to stick the bull but don’t dare, macho bullfighter, because you don’t want to admit that the bull is your stud and you are two lost fags, except the bull wants to impale you and you don’t want to be impaled, now stick me as you would stick the bull, make me come as you would make that impossible couple, the butterfly and the bull, come together, Romero, the unchanging sun and the moon that waxes and wanes to become a claw, rend me Romero, your claw, love me, your whore, only a claw, lover, and then again to swell, to grow, aren’t you jealous, sun, constant one, immutable, in your suit of eternal lights, while the universe whirls in circles around your waist, and although your rays scorch them all you cannot reach them with your shaft of fire, for the night renders you impotent?
Ella está alabándolo.
She's praising you.
..y nosotros damos declaraciones alabandolo?
..and we give statements praising him.
Debería estar alabándolo, no preguntándome de qué galaxia...
I should be singing his praises, not questioning what galaxy he's--
Así que obtén misericordia alabándolo y orándole a Él porque Él es la misericordia.
So get mercy through praises and prayers upon Him because He is mercy.
¿Alabandolo de nuevo?
Praising him again?
Se entonan baladas alabándolo.
Ballads are sung in his praise.
En la cocina se sentaron en coro y brindaron a su salud, alabándolo a voces.
They sat round in the kitchen drinking his health and loudly praising him.
Así que Rasa continuó alabándolo, con la esperanza de cimentar su confianza para que él aprendiera a escuchar-.
So instead she continued to praise him, hoping to build his confidence until he could hear wise counsel.
Salió de entre las sombras llamando al Emperadora voz en grito y alabándolo, expresando de un modo piadoso su gratitud.
He ran out of the shadows, calling the Emperor’s name, praising him, piteously expressing his gratitude.
Las filas de figuras hincadas le abrían paso, alabándolo pues era el principal de los grandes emires.
The ranks of kneeling figures gave way to him and called his praises as he passed, for he was the foremost of all the great emirs.
Yo estaba lo suficientemente cerca como para oír al chamán dando órdenes, llamando a sus espíritus, alabándolos y pidiéndoles ayuda.
I was close enough to hear the ordaining shaman, when he had summoned his spirits, given them praise, and asked them for help.
Sabía que todos estaban rodeando a Hephron incluso ahora dándole palmadas en la espalda, alabándolo, riéndose de su primoroso príncipe.
He knew they were all surrounding Hephron even now, clapping him on the back, praising him, laughing at their dandy prince.
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