Translation for "al menos ver" to english
Al menos ver
Translation examples
Me sentiría mucho mejor si pudiera al menos ver a dónde vives. Vamos.
I would feel a lot better if I could at least see where you were living.
- Sí, pero sigo pensando que deberíamos llevarlo a Hammerhead, Y al menos ver cuáles son sus intenciones.
- Yes, but I still think we should take it to Hammerhead, and at least see what his intentions are.
Podía al menos ver a donde iba.
I could at least see where it was going.
¿Puedo al menos ver a Lauren antes de irme?
Can I at least see Lauren before I go?
Podríamos llegar a quienquiera cogido el caso, al menos ver dónde se encuentra.
We could reach out to whoever caught the case, at least see where it stands.
¿Puedes al menos ver si hay algo en los archivos profundos?
Can you at least see if there's something in the deep archives?
Bueno, al menos ver que hay ahí afuera.
Well, at least see what's out there.
- Usted debe al menos ver a un médico.
- You ought to at least see a doctor.
Bueno, me gusta el anillo demasiado como para al menos ver como somos.
Well, I like the ring too much to not at least see how we are as traveling partners.
Puede que le descubran que se haga estrella, o al menos, ver una estrella.
You could even be discovered become a movie star, or at least see one.
—Es necio azotar a un caballo muerto, ¿pero querrás por lo menos ver a los muchachos?
‘It’s foolish to flog a dead horse, but will you at least see the boys?
La primera cosa que ha de saber un capitán es que debe procurar ver sin ser visto, o al menos ver primero.
The first thing a cruising captain knew was that if he possibly could he must see and not be seen, or at least see first.
Lo que antes solía apaciguarla —navegar en internet, chatear con sus fans, o al menos ver qué están diciendo de ella— ahora la atormenta.
The thing that used to soothe her—logging on, chatting with her fans, or at least seeing what they were saying about her—now torments her.
Realmente grave. Verán, su gran esperanza para curarse es erradicar la culpa por medio de un acto salvador: curar a los otros hombres, o al menos ver una mejoría en ellos.
Really. Bad. You see, his one big hope of a cure for himself is to wipe out his guilt by a saving act; to cure the other men, or at least see improvement.
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