Translation for "ajad" to english
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Translation examples
Su camisa blanca estaba húmeda de sudor, su fino cabello, ajado, y sus ojos, cansados y enrojecidos.
His white shirt was stained with perspiration, his fine hair mussed, his eyes weary and bloodshot.
Um ... sí, en una ajada, un pequeño pueblo P.I. tipo de camino.
Um... yeah, in a rumpled, small-town P.I. kind of way.
Estaba ajado y sin afeitar.
He was rumpled and unshaven.
Como siempre, Jake tenía aspecto ajado.
Jake looked, as always, rumpled.
Se ponía una camisa ajada, sin botones.
He was putting on a rumpled shirt that had no buttons.
Llevaba una blusa ceñida y ajada;
She wore a drawstring blouse, low-cut and rumpled.
Se le ve ajado, asqueado y muerto de miedo.
He looks rumpled, nauseated, and scared to death.
Parecía como si no hubiese dormido, y sus prendas estaban arrugadas y ajadas.
He looked as if he had not slept and his clothes were rumpled and droopy.
Vestía un kimono rosado todo arrugado y zapatillas rosa ajadas con unos lazos torcidos.
She wore a rumpled pink kimono and frayed pink mules with lopsided bows on them.
Michael Mulvaney en un ajado abrigo de pelo de camello, Michael Mulvaney oscilando sobre sus pies.
Michael Mulvaney in a rumpled camel's-hair coat, Michael Mulvaney swaying on his feet.
La encabeza Frau Knopf; detrás de ella las tres hijas, las cuatro, ajadas, soñolientas y aterradas.
In front Frau Knopf, behind her the three daughters, all four rumpled, sleepy, and terrified.
Incluso su mesa parecía ajada como una camiseta de algodón en el fondo de la cesta de ropa sucia.
Even his desk looked rumpled, like a cotton shirt kept in the bottom of a laundry hamper.
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