Translation for "admite estar" to english
Admite estar
Translation examples
Admite estar «obsesionado» conmigo.
Admitted to being "obsessed" with me.
admits to
En la introducción a la Memoria se admite que:
The report, in its Introduction, admits this:
Es inequívoca y no admite ninguna excepción.
It is unequivocal and admits of no exception.
El tema, lo admito, es delicado en muchos sentidos.
I admit that the matter is sensitive on many levels.
Admite que parecían gente normal.
"They looked like normal people," he admits...
Admite que, mientras
He admits that, while
Sin embargo, admito que no es suficiente.
However, I admit that this is not enough.
Ya no se admite a extranjeros acompañados de sus familias.
Foreigners are no longer admitted accompanied by their families.
Esa prohibición no admite más que dos tipos de excepciones.
This prohibition admits only two types of exceptions.
Lo admites, ¿sí o no?». «Lo admito».
Do you admit that, or don’t you?’ ‘I’ll admit it.’
Admito que tú no pudiste hacerlo. Lo admito.
I’ll admit you couldn’t have done it. I admit it.
—¿Admite haberlos matado? —No admito nada.
“You admit you killed them?” “I admit nothing.
–Sí, eso lo admito.
‘Yes, I’ll admit that.
—Entonces lo admites.
“Then you admit it.”
—Pero ninguno lo admite
But nobody admits it .
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