Translation for "таковых" to english
Translation examples
Такова наша сила... таково наше королевство, таков мой поцелуй.
Such is our power... such is our kingdom, such is my kiss.
Как такового - нет.
Not as such.
Такова мужская психология.
Such muzhskaya psychology.
Такова его просьба.
Such is his request.
Мдя... такова жизнь.
Yep... such is life.
Здесь таковых нет!
There's no such person!
Такова их верность.
Such is their loyalty.
Такова была судьба, и такова была жизнь.
Such was luck and such was life.
Такова политика, и таковы политики.
Such is politics, and such are politicians.
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