Translation for "спорообразующих" to english
Translation examples
Шок от холода, испытанный при возвращении в родную стихию, тело приняло за свидетельство прихода зимы, равно как кислородный голод в секунды пребывания за пределами неба. И спорообразующие железы тут же включились в работу.
The shock of cold which he had felt on reentering his native universe had been taken by his body as a sign of coming winter, as it had taken the ozygen-starvation of his brief sojourn above the sky. The spore-forming glands had at once begun to function.
И неизбежно резкая смена температуры воды и кислородное голодание повлияли на деятельность спорообразующих желез.
And inevitably, the abrupt change in temperature and oxygen concentration had started the spore-building glands again.
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