Translation for "раутледж" to english
Translation examples
4. Отдел по инвестициям, технологии и развитию предприятий (ОИТП) с помощью "Доклада о мировых инвестициях" (за 1996 и 1997 годы) и других публикаций Серия публикаций World Investment Directory, неповторяющиеся публикации, такие, как International Investment: Towards the Year 2001 (будет опубликована совместно с организацией "Инвестин Франс", фирмой "Артур Андерсен" и Управлением территориального устройства и регионального развития) и Sharing Asia's Dynamism: Asian Direct Investment in the European Union, и Transnational Corporations journal, The TRIPS Agreement and Developing Countries, Fostering Technological Dynamism: Evolution of Thought on Technological Development Processes and Competitiveness, и Technological Capabilities and Export Success in Asia (опубликована в издательстве "Раутледж").
4. The Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development (DITE), through the World Investment Report (1996, 1997) and other publications, The World Investment Directory series, non-recurrent publications such as International Investment: Towards the Year 2001 (published together with Invest in France Mission, Arthur Andersen and the Délégation à l’aménagement du territoire et à l’action régionale (DATAR)) and Sharing Asia’s Dynamism: Asian Direct Investment in the European Union, and its Transnational Corporations journal, The TRIPS Agreement and Developing Countries, Fostering Technological Dynamism: Evolution of Thought on Technological Development Processes and Competitiveness, and Technological Capabilities and Export Success in Asia (published by Routledge).
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