Translation for "хакас" to english
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65. Представитель хакасов выступил на тему возрождения традиций и культуры своего народа.
65. The representative of the Khakas people spoke of the rebirth of his people's traditions and culture.
Далее (в порядке убывания) следуют украинцы - 2%, башкиры - 1,2%, чуваши - 1,1%, чеченцы - 0,9%, армяне - 0,8%, аварцы, белорусы, мордва, азербайджанцы - по 0,6%, казахи и удмурты - по 0,5%, даргинцы, кабардинцы, марийцы, немцы, осетины - по 0,4%, буряты, ингуши, кумыки, лакцы, лезгины, якуты - по 0,3%, евреи, коми, тувинцы - по 0,2%, адыгейцы, алтайцы, балкарцы, греки, грузины, калмыки, карачаевцы, карелы, коми-пермяки, корейцы, молдаване, ногайцы, поляки, казаки, табасараны, таджики, турки, узбеки, хакасы, цыгане, черкесы - по 0,1%.
They are followed (in decreasing order) by Ukrainians (2 per cent), Bashkirs (1.2 per cent), Chuvash (1.1 per cent), Chechens (0.9 per cent), Armenians (0.8 per cent), Avars (0.6 per cent), Belarusians (0.6 per cent), Mordvinians (0.6 per cent), Azerbaijanis (0.6 per cent), Kazakhs (0.5 per cent), Udmurts (0.5 per cent), Dargins (0.4 per cent), Kabardin (0.4 per cent), Mari (0.4 per cent), Germans (0.4 per cent), Ossetians (0.4 per cent), Buryats (0.3 per cent), Ingush (0.3 per cent), Kumyks (0.3 per cent), Laks (0.3 per cent), Lezgins (0.3 per cent), Jews (0.2 per cent), Komi (0.2 per cent), Tuvans (0.2 per cent), Adygeis (0.1 per cent), Altais (0.1 per cent), Balkars (0.1 per cent), Greeks (0.1 per cent), Georgians (0.1 per cent), Kalmyks (0.1 per cent), Karachais (0.1 per cent), Karelians (0.1 per cent), Komi-Permyaks (0.1 per cent), Koreans (0.1 per cent), Moldovans (0.1 per cent), Nogai (0.1 per cent), Poles (0.1 per cent), Cossacks (0.1 per cent), Tabasaran (0.1 per cent), Tajiks (0.1 per cent), Turks (0.1 per cent), Uzbeks (0.1 per cent), Khakas (0.1 per cent), Roma (0.1 per cent) and Circassians (0.1 per cent).
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