Translation for "парусная игла" to english
Парусная игла
  • sailing needle
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sailing needle
Парусина была твердая и тяжелая, и Мод пользовалась настоящим матросским гардаманом и трехгранной парусной иглой.
The canvas was heavy and hard, and she sewed with the regular sailor's palm and three-cornered sail-needle.
Она болтала и смеялась в кругу моряков, проворно орудуя блестящей парусной иглой.
she still talked and laughed with the men as her sail needle flashed in the sun. Her tongue was as sharp as ever, her humor as biting.
На верстаке лежал набор рубанков, напильников, парусных игл, бечева, малярные кисти, респиратор, фен для сушки волос и банки с эпоксидной смолой. Эпоксидная смола — материал легковоспламеняющийся, поэтому вокруг верстака были насыпаны кучи песка;
On a workbench was an assortment of whittling knives and files, sail needles and twine, paint brushes, gas mask, electric hair dryer and half-gallon cans of epoxy resin. Epoxy was volatile material; pails of sand bracketed the bench and there was a toxic bite to the air from a sample that had been painted on the skin.
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