Translation for "оркрист" to english
Translation examples
Это Оркрист, сокрушитель гоблинов
This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver.
Эльфы дали мечу имя Оркрист, Гоблиноруб, а гоблины просто - Кусач.
They had called it Orcrist, Goblin-cleaver, but the goblins called it simply Biter.
Вот этот меч, Торин, зовётся на языке рун Гондолина Оркрист, Гоблиноруб.
This, Thorin, the runes name Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver in the ancient tongue of Gondolin; it was a famous blade.
 -Его у нас нет, - прозвучал искренний ответ, ибо кинжалы, даже Оркрист, забрали лесные эльфы.
“We have none,” said Thorin, and it was true enough: their knives had been taken from them by the wood-elves, and the great sword Orcrist too.
На надгробье Подгорного Государя король эльфов поместил Оркрист, тот самый клинок, который эльфы отобрали у Торина во время пленения.
Upon his tomb the Elvenking then laid Orcrist, the elvish sword that had been taken from Thorin in captivity.
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