Translation for "лежали и были" to english
Лежали и были
Translation examples
Неподалеку лежали еще три тела.
Three other bodies were lying nearby.
Их тела обнаружили лежащими вместе в предсмертном объятии.
Their dead bodies were found in a final embrace.
Всего на матрацах лежало по меньшей мере 12 трупов.
In all there were at least 12 corpses lying on mattresses.
Один из свидетелей сказал, что "солдаты стреляли в каждого, лежащего на земле.
One witness said that "soldiers were shooting at everybody lying on the ground.
В основе обоих этих "измов" лежали идеологические концепции.
The challenges of both these "isms" were based on ideological movements.
На столе горели свечи и лежали свитки.
There were candles on the table and rolls of parchment.
Невилл и Джастин лежали на полу, почти бездыханные.
Both Neville and Justin were lying on the floor, panting;
Внутри лежали четыре мяча разных размеров.
Inside were four different sized balls.
А поутру они продвинулись далеко в долину: там лежало темное пятно.
They were far down the valley in the morning;
Малфой, Крэбб и Гойл лежали без сознания в дверях.
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were all lying unconscious in the doorway.
Повсюду лежали высоченные стопки разных бумаг и книг.
There were piles upon piles of books and papers on every surface.
Они лежали на столе.
They were on the table.
Тут же лежали одеяла.
There were blankets.
— Нет, они лежали в шкафу.
No, they were in my locker.
Они лежали на полу.
They were lying on the floor.
Солдат здесь лежало много.
There were a lot of veterans.
Они лежали вповалку.
They were lying in a heap.
Там для него лежали два письма.
There were two letters for him.
Оружие все там, где лежало.
The guns are right where they were.
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