Translation for "зачала его" to english
Зачала его
Translation examples
Трудно поверить, что я зачал его с одним яичком.
Can you believe I conceived him with one testicle?
— По моим подсчетам, мы зачали его за несколько дней до этого.
I've calculated that we must have conceived him a few days before that.
Он вспоминал о матери, которая подносила ему фруктовую воду, когда он валялся в гамаке под сенью тамариндов, подносила сама, чтобы сын не заметил, что она чуть жива от боли, о матери, которая зачала его без чьей-либо помощи, без участия кого бы то ни было, зачала сама, в одиночестве, и в одиночестве родила его, о матери, которая молча гнила заживо до тех пор, пока страдания не достигли предела того, что может вынести человек, и лишь тогда она сумела пересилить себя, свою натуру и попросила сына: «Взгляни-ка на мою спину, посмотри, что там такое, с чего это она горит огнем, просто мочи нет!» Она сняла сорочку и повернулась к нему спиной, и, онемев от ужаса, он увидел на ее спине разверстые зловонные язвы, полные гноя, в котором копошились черви. То были скверные времена, мой генерал, времена, когда не было такой государственной тайны, которая не становилась бы достоянием общественности, когда не было ни одного приказа, который выполнялся бы неукоснительно. Так стало лишь после того, как на праздничный стол был подан в качестве изысканного блюда жареный генерал Родриго де Агилар. Однако не это заботило, не это волновало. Государственные затруднения не имели ровно никакого значения в те горькие месяцы, когда Бендисьон Альварадо истлевала на медленном огне болезни в комнате, смежной с комнатой сына, куда ее положили после того, как наиболее сведущие в азиатских болезнях доктора установили, что ее болезнь – не чума, не чесотка, не проказа и никакая другая восточная напасть, а результат какого-то индейского колдовства, и, стало быть, избавить от этой болезни может лишь тот, кто ее накликал.
Bad times those general sir, there were no secrets of state that were not in the public domain, there was no order that was carried out with complete certainty ever since the exquisite corpse of General Rodrigo de Aguilar had been served up at the banquet table, but he didn't care, he didn't care about the stumbling of power during the bitter months in which his mother was rotting away in a slow fire in the bedroom next to his after the doctors most adept in Asiatic scourges decreed that her illness was not the plague, or scabies, or yaws, or any other Oriental pestilence, but some Indian curse that could only be cured by the one who had cast it, and he understood that it was death and he shut himself up to care for his mother with the abnegation of a mother, he stayed to rot with her so that no one would see her cooking in her stew of maggots, he ordered them to bring her hens to government house, they brought him the peacocks, the painted buds who wandered about at their pleasure through salons and offices so that his mother would not miss the rustic activities of the suburban mansion, he himself burned annato logs in the bedroom so that no one would catch the death stench of his dying mother, he himself with germicidal salves consoled the body that was red with Mercurochrome, yellow with picric, blue with methylene, he himself daubed with Turkish balms the steaming ulcers against the advice of the minister of health who was frightened to death of curses, what the hell, mother, it's better if we die together, he said, but Bendición Alvarado was aware of being the only one who was dying and she tried to reveal to her son the family secrets that she didn't want to carry to her grave, she told him how her placenta had been thrown to the hogs, lord, how it was that I could never establish which of so many back-trail fugitives was your father, she tried to tefl him for history that she had conceived him standing up and with her hat on because of the storm of bluebottle flies around the wineskins of fermented molasses in the back room of a bar, she had given birth to him with difficulty in the entranceway to a convent, she had recognized him in the lights of the melancholy harps of the geraniums and his right testicle was the size of a fig and he relieved himself like a bellows and exhaled a bagpipe sigh with his breathing, she wrapped him up in the rags the novices had given her and she displayed him in marketplaces in case she might find someone who knew of a remedy that was better and above all cheaper than honey which was the only thing they recommended to her for his malformation, they consoled her with cliches, you can't get around fate, they told her, because after all the child was good for
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