Translation for "verdone" to english
Translation examples
Lui ha detto che erano verdoni, non passeri
He said they were greenfinches, not sparrows
Finora hanno avvistato rarita' come un Beccaccino Strenuo ed un Verdone di Cina.
Sa far they've spotted such rarities as a pin-tailed snipe and an Oriental greenfinch.
Ma papà mi ha detto che erano verdoni
But Dad told me they were greenfinches
Beccaccino e Verdone.
TV ANCHOR: Snipe and greenfinch.
No, non e' un usignolo, e' un verdone.
No, it's a greenfinch.
Ricordate, c'erano stormi di verdoni dietro la nostra casa
Remember, there were loads of greenfinches behind our house
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