Translation for "vedovella" to english
Translation examples
A me la vedovella ricorre pel marito lo colla scusa del pettine di giorno, della chitarra col favor la notte a tutti onestamente, non fo per dir, m'adatto a far piacere
The widows come to me for a husband By wielding the comb by day, by playing the guitar at night I am well able to please everyone fairly
"Dalia Maria, la baronessa giovane, molto dotata, bella vedovella, ricca, bella e desiderata"
The baroness, young Talented and pretty A rich widow, The most coveted ln the city
Credo con fermo cuor, siccome crede la vedovella al tempio, che il mal ch'io penso e che da me procede, per mio destino adempio.
I believe as firmly as any widow piously saying her prayers in church, that all the evil I think and do was decreed for me by Fate.
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