Translation for "trascinato via" to english
Trascinato via
Translation examples
E' stata li' a guardare mentre Emma veniva trascinata via.
She just stood there and watched while Emma was dragged away.
Quando sono rinvenuto, ho visto che Torres veniva trascinato via. E che aveva una brutta cera.
I saw Torres being dragged away, and he was in bad shape.
Stavolta saro' io ad essere trascinata via da uomini in impermeabile?
This time I get dragged away by the men in trench coats?
Torres non e' mai stato trascinato via. Era uno dei miei uomini nell'imboscata.
Torres was never dragged away, it was one of my men in the ambush.
E ora e' lui a essere trascinato via. Fortunello.
La maggior parte delle ossa erano sparpagliate, trascinate via.
Most of the bones were scattered, dragged away.
Mi dispiace di non essere riuscita a vederla trascinata via in catene...
I'm sorry I didn't get to see her dragged away in chains.
E' stato trascinato via dal percorso.
He was dragged away from the track.
A quanto pare e' stata trascinata via.
Looks like she was dragged away from here.
Ha visto suo padre trascinato via dagli agenti!
He watched his father being dragged away by federal agents.
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