Translation examples
Il cerchio si stringeva.
The noose was tightening.
Ogni 26 ore mi stringevo la cintura di un buco per non far capire al mio stomaco che stavo dimagrendo.
Every 26 hours I'd tighten my waist belt another notch so my belly didn't know it was shrinking.
Ha... detto che pensava che la sua vita fosse finita... che sentiva un cappio che le si stringeva al collo a causa di quello che aveva fatto.
She... said that she thought her life was over, that... that she could feel this noose tightening around her neck because of what she'd done. And she...
Si', Brianna l'ha ordinato da sola via internet. E io non lo stringevo molto.
Yeah, Brianna ordered that off the Internet herself and I didn't tighten it up very much.
Magari Caldwell stringeva accordi alle sue spalle.
Maybe Caldwell's making a deal behind her back.
Mi stringeva a lei,
Make a curve.
Mi sembra ieri quando aveva cinque anni e si stringeva a me perché si era fatto un graffio al ginocchio e io ero l'unico che potesse farlo stare meglio.
It seems... just yesterday he was five years old... clinging to me, because he'd just scraped his knee and I was the only one in the world who could make it better.
Un'altra cosa in questo episodio, la gente si stringeva in alleanze... Gente che mai avresti creduto potesse, ed effettivamente questo e' stato un po' un tema per l'intera stagione.
Another thing in this episode, people were coming together making allies, people that you wouldn't think, and actually this whole season, it was kind of a theme.
- Andava piano ma lo stringeva forte...
She went slow but really tight squeeze...
Mi stringevi la mano fortissimo.
You were squeezing my hand so hard.
Li stringeva, e ha tolto loro tutto il valore.
And hugged them, and squeezed all the worth out of them.
Mi stringevo tra i miei genitori sul sedile davanti del pickup di mio padre.
I'd squeeze between my parents in the front of my dad's pickup.
Stringevi più me del cuscino.
You squeezed me more than you did it. Yeah.
Non credo che la tua mano si sia ripresa, da quanto la stringevo.
We both do. I don't think that your hand has recovered from my squeezing it.
E lei mi stringeva al petto, mentre piangevo.
She squeezed me against her chest while crying.
Ero io che stavo per gridare. Mi stringevi la mano così forte.
I almost screamed, you squeezed my hand so hard.
Non dimenticherò mai il modo in cui mi stringeva la mano.
And I'll never forget how hard she was squeezing my hand.
Quando vedevo le vene gonfiarsi sulla fronte mentre le stringevo il collo.
When I saw the veins swelling in her forehead when I squeezed her neck.
Stringevo i pugni... forte forte, più forte che potevo,
- I would clench my fists, real tight ...tight as I could.
Io stringevo i denti.
I'd clench my teeth.
Ieri notte, ho notato che Marina Garito stringeva la mano sinistra nello stesso modo.
Last night, I noticed Marina Garito's left hand was tightly clenched the same way.
forse stringeva la terra perche' stava...
Maybe she was gripping the ground because she was--
Stringeva l'asta del microfono con cosi' tanta forza... - che ho pensato che forse...
She was gripping the Mike stand so tightly that I thought maybe--
Mi ricordo che quando Fred era cosi' piccolo mi... stringeva il dito con la sua mano.
I remember, when Fred was this small, he used to grip my thumb in his hand.
Quando c'e' stata l'iniziazione di Savannah, stringeva quel coso cosi' tanto che le e' quasi schizzato via come un tappo di spumante.
When we initiated Savannah, she was gripping that thing so tight, it almost popped out of her hand like a watermelon seed.
"Era il manico di un robusto bastone che l'uomo stringeva con forza".
"Perstel, of the stiff staff, per stern hip be gripped."
La seconda era Dick che si era infilato nell'auto con me e la sua mano stringeva la mia e la teneva forte.
And the second was that Dick had climbed into the car with me and his hand had gripped mine and held it tight.
Sai, di solito... mi teneva solo la mano e la stringeva molto forte.
You know, she used to... Just hold on to my hand and she'd grip it really tight.
E Lucia l'acciar stringeva, che fu già del trucidato.
And Lucia's hand still clasped the murdered man's weapon.
Ho fatto certi sogni la notte, la stringevo al petto come faccio ora e la baciavo.
Such dreams I've had at night when I've clasped her to my heart, as I do now, and kissed her.
Ricordo le sue... le sue mani intorno... la mia gola, stringeva e mi soffocava e...
I remember his... his hands around my... my throat, pressing and choking and...
Mi accarezzavi il collo e ti stringevi a me.
You tickled my neck and pressed yourself against me.
E poi più tardi durante la notte Ero solita chiamarti il mio moonflower... Quando ti stringevo sotto la camicia da notte.
Then later in the night I'd call you my moonflower... when I was pressed up under your nightgown.
Il sultano cadde in ginocchio. Lacrime salate solcarono le sue guance. Mentre stringeva il principe Hossein, urlo': 'Figlio mio!
the Sultan dropped to his knees salted tears streaked his cheeks as he embraced prince Husain, he cried "my son"
Ovvero il suo bianco corpo era disteso sull'albero, che coi rami lo stringeva come in un amplesso.
Her pale body was stretched out on the juniper, Gnarled branches embraced her. I can't sleep since then.
Stringeva forte una rana di peluche.
She was clutching a stuffed animal, a frog.
Quando è morta stringeva questo in pugno.
She was clutching this as she died.
La sua mano stringeva il lato sinistro del petto.
Her hand Is clutching the left side of her chest.
Quando era stato trovato il corpo... Matsuko stringeva il biglietto da visita di questa donna.
Matsuko was clutching this woman's business card.
Lo stringeva a sé, sai ?
Clutched him, you know?
Quando l'ho trovato, stringeva una borsa piena di soldi.
When I found him, he was clutching a bag full of cash.
I testimoni hanno riferito che si stringeva il petto quando e' morto.
Witnesses said he was clutching his chest when he died.
Si stringeva il petto.
She was clutching her chest.
E stringeva questo nell'altra mano.
Oh. And he was clutching this in his other hand.
Vede? Si stringeva il petto.
You see, he's clutching his chest.
L'altra nonna mi prendeva in braccio, mi baciava, mi stringeva, lei non lo faceva mai.
My other grandmother picked me up, kissed me, hugged me, but she didn't do that.
Avevo invitato degli sponsor, stringevo mani, davo pacche sulle spalle e distribuivo baci sperando che facessimo bella figura.
I had sponsors in the stands and I'm hugging and holding hands and kissing them in the air and praying for a good showing.
E allora correvo nella sua stanza, la svegliavo e... la stringevo, la stringevo, la stringevo.
And I-and I'd run to her room, and I'd- and I'd wake her up and... I'd hug her and hug her and hug her.
- Stringeva tra le braccia chiunque vedesse.
He hugged whomever he saw
E ricordo... che lo abbracciavo e lo stringevo e probabilmente gli dicevo cose carine e lui mi corrispondeva.
And I remember... just holding him and hugging him and probably saying some nice things to him, and he was responding as well, you know.
Stringevi forte al petto questa bambola di plastica.
Just hugged this plastic doll against your chest.
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