Translation for "stacey" to english
Translation examples
Questa è stata... la prima volta di Stacey!
That was Stacy's first time!
A Mason piace Stacey?
Does Mason like Stacy?
Chi diavolo e' Stacey Dover?
Who the hell is Stacy Dover?
Dove vai, Stacey? - Cosa?
Where are you going, Stacy?
- Penso che andrò da Stacey stasera.
- I think I'm gonna go to Stacy's tonight.
Sono io, Stacey!
It's me- - Stacy.
Stacey,non potevi bussare?
Whoops. Stacy, don't you ever knock?
Ti ricordi Stacey Kensinger?
Remember Stacy Kensinger?
Stacey, ho visto la tua macchina qua fuori.
- Stacy, I saw your car outside.
Quindi, Kelly ha detto a Stacey che non era invitata, e ora Stacey ce l'ha con noi.
- So then Kelly, I guess, told Staci that she wasn't invited, so now Staci's pissed at us.
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