Translation for "sta reagendo" to english
Sta reagendo
Translation examples
La navicella sta reagendo alla Nova Force che eserciti.
This ship is reacting to the Nova Force you wield.
La Velocita'-7 sta reagendo con le cellule danneggiate del tuo corpo.
The Velocity-7 is reacting with the damaged cells in your body.
Ma il PB3 sta reagendo in un modo Che non avevamo mai Visto prima.
But the PB3 is reacting unlike anything we have ever seen before.
La tua pelle sta reagendo allo iodio.
Your skin is reacting to the iodine.
Si', sta reagendo ai farmaci e la reazione in questione si chiama "dormire".
Yes, he is reacting to the drugs and that reaction is called "sleeping".
Vorremmo sapere come la Chiesa sta reagendo agli eventi di ieri.
We'd like to know how the Church is reacting to yesterday's events.
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