Translation for "spolveravo" to english
Translation examples
Immagino tu li abbia spostati mentre spolveravi.
You moved them while you were dusting.
Sapendo che non c'erano fruste ad aspettarmi... spazzavo e spolveravo... felice e volenterosa.
Knowin' I ain't had no rawhide on the mantle waiting' for me, I swept and dusted with a glad heart and a willing' hand.
L'ho messo la' sopra mentre spolveravo.
I put it up here while I was dusting.
il tuo vecchio ti spolverava in cerca di impronte digitali quando tornavi a casa dopo un appuntamento?
Did your old man dust you for prints when you got home from a date?
Cristo, ha licenziato la domestica perché non spolverava bene.
She fired the maid... because she couldn't dust right.
Non spolveravo qui sopra da due o tre...
Just cleaning. I haven't dusted up here for two or three--
Prima dell'ictus, puliva e spolverava di continuo.
Before his stroke, he was always dusting and cleaning.
Lo so perche' spolveravo i tuoi trofei e lucidavo le medaglie.
I know, because I dusted the trophies, I shined your medals.
Forse l'ha spostata mentre spolverava.
She might have moved it while dusting.
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