Translation for "solo aria" to english
Translation examples
E'... solo aria.
It's... just air.
E' difficile credere ci sia solo aria in quei cosi, vero?
It's hard to believe there's just air in those things, isn't it?
Credi che ci sia solo aria, li' sopra?
You think it's just air up there?
A quanto pare era solo aria.
I guess it was just air.
Probabilmente solo aria che scorre nei tubi o qualcosa di simile.
Probably just air settling in the pipes or something.
Lo zucchero filato e' solo aria come puoi essere piena?
Cotton candy's just air; how can you be full on that?
E mi serve una siringa per me... Piena solo d'aria.
- And I'll need a syringe for me with just air in it.
E' solo aria che esce incontrollata dai suoi polmoni.
That's just air escaping his lungs.
Se allungaste la vostra mano per toccarmi, trovereste solo aria.
If you reached out your hand to touch me, it would find only air.
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