Translation for "soffrirne" to english
Translation examples
La reputazione di questo dipartimento comincia a soffrirne
This department's reputation is beginning to suffer.
Perché debbono soffrirne le figlie?
Why must it be the daughters who suffer?
Continuerò a soffrirne.
I'll only keep suffering.
E' Christopher a soffrirne.
- It's Christopher that suffers.
- Non se sarà l'Inghilterra a soffrirne.
- Not when jolly old England is gonna suffer.
Nessun altro dovrebbe soffrirne, soprattutto non tu.
Nobody else should have to suffer, especially not you.
(Benedict) Mia madre aveva paura di soffrirne.
My mother was afraid she'd suffer.
Non dovrete soffrirne piu'.
You need not suffer anymore.
Ma... saranno Ruth e John a soffrirne.
But, it is Ruth and John what will suffer.
Ma non sarai tu a soffrirne.
But it will not be you who suffers for it.
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