Translation for "sentivamo" to english
Translation examples
Ci sentivamo tutti piuttosto esaltati.
We were feeling cocky as hell.
Ci sentivamo tutti molto stanchi.
We were all feeling very sluggish.
Restate pure seduti. Ci sentivamo soli di là.
We're feeling lonely in there.
Sentivamo l'arrivo dell'autunno
Could feel the autumn chill
Noi del gruppo ci sentivamo...
'Oh, I'm so sorry but we, the group were feeling...'
- Ci sentivamo generosi.
- We were feeling generous.
Ci sentivamo ottimisti.
We were feeling confident.
Sentite, prima ci sentivamo tutti male, ma almeno ci sentivamo male insieme.
Oh, God. Look, we were all feeling crappy earlier, but at least we were feeling crappy together.
L'avevano interrogato, lo sentivamo.
He'd been questioned, we could feel it.
Ci sentivamo osservati...
You had the feeling something was watching you...
Sentivamo gli altri urlare.
We could hear the others screaming.
La sentivamo mentre si esercitava.
We could hear her practicing.
- Vi sentivamo dal corridoio.
- We could hear you in the hall.
La sentivamo attraverso il pavimento.
We'd hear her through the floor.
Ci sentivamo benissimo...
We could hear each other clearly...
Poi lo sentivamo dire: Pete
Then we'd hear him say, "Pete!
Non sentivamo niente.
I couldn't hear anything.
Vi sentivamo dalla strada.
We could hear you down the street.
Di notte sentivamo la musica.
We could hear the sound at night.
Ci sentivamo tipo: ci vediamo! Siamo liberi!
It was a sense of "See you later, we're free!"
C'erano piogge monsoniche ed era un po' deprimente restare là fuori ma allo stesso tempo ci sentivamo come "in missione".
Monsoon rains and it was kind of depressing to be out there but as the same time there was such a sense of "mission".
- Vede, quando io e Sue stavamo insieme, era tutto molto divertente, ma sentivamo entrambi che mancava qualcosa. Beh, soprattutto io, penso...
See, when e and I were dating, it was really fun, you know, but we both sensed something was missing.
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