Translation for "sensale" to english
Translation examples
Sensale, sensale, Cerca nel tuo libro
~ Matchmaker, matchmaker, look through your book ~
Sensale, sensale Trovami un'anima gemella
~ Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match ~
Sensale, sensale, Io porterò il velo
~ Matchmaker, matchmaker, I'll bring the veil ~
Ti portero' dalla sensale.
I'll take you to the matchmaker.
Si', ha fatto la sensale.
Yep, she played matchmaker.
Sensale, sensale, Ricorda che son giovane ancor
~ Matchmaker, matchmaker, you know that I'm still very young ~
Sensale, sensale, Non far piani per me
~ Matchmaker, matchmaker, plan me no plans ~
È un'ottima sensale.
She's quite the matchmaker.
Se lei è la sensale...
If he is the matchmaker...
Gran perla di sensale!
You priceless pearl of a marriage-broker!
Dalla moglie der sensale no!
The broker's wife? No!
- Ve la manda Don Michele il sensale.
It's from Don Michele the broker.
Da un sensale, dalle parti della stazione.
At the broker's, near the station.
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